Place born
Organisation / Person
1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

active c. 1894-1968, optical instrument maker, London, England

R and J Beck Limited

1867 - 1968

Muybridge, Florado Helios

1873 - 1944

1869-1986/7, optical instrument maker (microscope & cameras - Leica), Germany

E Leitz

1869 - 1987

active 1867-?, surgical instrument maker, Tuttlingen, Germany

Jetter and Scheerer


b. 1866, amateur photographer (active in Russia), British

Stewart, Herbert Galloway


1876-1999, manufacturer of microscopes, Vienna, Austria


1876 - 1999

active 1871-1959, manufactuer of sewing machines; manufacturer of calculating machines, Braunschweig, Germany

Grimme Natalis and Co

1871 - 1959

Turner, Edward Raymond

1873 - 1903

1867-1934, physicist; chemist, Polish-born; French

Curie, Marie

1867 - 1934

1871-1955, civil engineer; inventor; patentee of the vacuum cleaner, English; British

Booth, Hubert Cecil

1871 - 1955

active 1866-1926, camera manufacturer, Blackheath, London, England

W Butcher and Sons

1866 - 1926

1867-1943, dye manufacturer, chemist, Scottish

Morton, James

1867 - 1943

active 1870s -1950s, herbalist; supplier and manufacturer of materia medica, London, England

Potter and Clarke Limited


active 1868-1968, optical instrument maker; clock maker, Manchester, England

Thomas Armstrong and Brother

1868 - 1968

1874-1966, steelmakers; munitions makers, English; British

John Baker and Company Limited

1874 - 1966

active 1868-1982, adhesive products manufacturer, London

Samuel Jones and Company Limited

1868 - 1982

Kadoorie, Elly (KBE)

1867 - 1944

active 1871-1921, retail co-operative society, England

The Army and Navy Co-operative Society

1871 - 1921

1887-?, manufacturer of linen, clothing, merchants, general outfitters, Belfast; London

Robinson and Cleaver Limited


active 1871-1959, manufactuer of sewing machines; manufacturer of calculating machines, Braunschweig, Germany

Brunsviga Maschinenwerke AG

1871 - 1959

1871-1940, naturalist, photographer and documentary film maker, British

Kearton, Cherry

1871 - 1940

1874-current (2010) travel logistics agency, night sleeper train company, Belgium

Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits


1875-1976, manufacturer, Tunstall, British

Alfred Meakin

1875 - 1976

1876-1960s, druggist; manufacturer of pharmaceutical & chemical preparations; distiller, Southwark

Wright, Layman and Umney Limited

1876 - 1969

Branger, Maurice-Louis

1874 - 1950

active 1869-current (2019), medical and laboratory equipment manufacturer, London, England, British

Hawksley and Sons Limited


Macadie, Donald

1871 - 1956

1871- active 1938, travel agents, London

Dean and Dawson Limited


Rutherford, Ernest

1871 - 1937

1872-1981, clock and electrical equipment manufacturer, Leicester, England

Gents' of Leicester

1872 - 1981

1876-1941, locomotive engineer, Britain

Gresley, Sir Nigel

1876 - 1941

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1875-1914, textiles manufacturing firm, Scottish, Scotland

Alexander Morton and Company

1875 - 1914

1871-1938, medallist; sculptor, Hungarian

Szirmai, Tony Antoine

1871 - 1938

1867-1903, optical instrument and camera manufacturer, London

George Houghton and Son

1869 - 1903

1867-1927, ship, aircraft, and armament manufacturers, England, British

Vickers Limited

1867 - 1927

1875-1941, physician; anaesthetist, British

Boyle, Henry Edmund Gaskin

1875 - 1941

1875-1945, inventor active in cinematography, Polish

Proszynski, Kazimierz

1875 - 1945

active 1875-1993, psychiatric hospital, Chartham, England

Kent County Mental Hospital

1875 - 1993

1874-1944, journalist, photographer, British

Mortimer, Francis James

1874 - 1944

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

active 1892-1948, electrical engineer and inventor, Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Brown, Sidney George

1873 - 1948

active 1870-1928, jeweller; watchmaker, Rye, Sussex

J N Masters Limited


1871-1913, trade union, British

Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants

1871 - 1913

1874-1923, forge, Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, British

Leeds Forge Company

1874 - 1923

1866-1892, printing press, manufacturer, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, British

H S Cropper and Company


1876-1972, chronophotographer, inventor, Irish born; British; French

Bull, Lucien

1876 - 1972

1873-1958, active from 1900, optician; religious philosopher, English; British

Hamblin, Theodore

1873 - 1958

1870-1955, pharmaceutical manufacturer, British

Kemball, Bishop and Company Limited

1870 - 1955